
Create City Names

Enter a word that should be part of the name of your city or town and click “Generate”. In a couple of seconds, we will provide you with thousands of names!

How it works

If you’re looking to generate a city/town name that incorporates a keyword, you are in the right place. This 100% free tool can generate thousands of realistic location names based on a provided word. This city name can be used in your book, screenplay, game, or wherever you need it.

The names generated here are not copyrighted and can be used royalty-free. There is no limit to the number of times you can use the generator, so feel free to experiment as much as you like. Also, this generator works in your browser exclusively, so you don’t need to download anything to use it.

How to generate a city name incorporating a keyword

First, you’ll need to enter a keyword. You can enter anything you like, as long as it uses only Latin characters (i.e., no punctuation or spaces) and is no longer than ten characters in length. Some good ideas are “ocean,” “bear,” or “mountain.” Feel free to use one of these or create your own.

Once you’ve entered your keyword, hit the GENERATE button. Instantly, you’ll see two dozen city/town names that incorporate your keyword.

Next, you’ll want to hit the STAR button next to the names you like. This will save those names to your SAVED IDEAS tool. If you need more choices, just hit the GENERATE MORE button to see another two dozen options. Don’t worry about your starred choices: they will stay in your SAVED IDEAS tool as you generate more city names.

When you feel like you have enough potential names starred, hit the SAVED IDEAS button. Hit the DOWNLOAD button you see there to grab a text file with all your generated city/town names.

Want to start over again? Within the SAVED IDEAS tool, hit DELETE ALL. This erases your list so you can enter a new keyword and star some new names.